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Dorzolamide (Dorzial) eye drops 20 mg/ml – [10 ml vial]


Antiglaucoma drug – local inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase

SKU: 61568 Category:


Dorzial Pharmacodynamics
Dorzolamide hydrochloride is a carboanhydrase II inhibitor.
Inhibition of carboanhydrase (CA) in the ciliary body of the eyeball reduces intraocular fluid production, presumably by slowing down the synthesis of bicarbonate ions with their subsequent reduction to sodium and fluid excretion. This results in a decrease in intraocular pressure (IOP).

The drug is prescribed to adult patients with:
– ophthalmohypertension;
– Primary open-angle glaucoma;
– pseudoexfoliative glaucoma;
– Secondary glaucoma (without anterior chamber angle block).
The drug is prescribed for children:
– For the treatment of glaucoma in children from 1 week of age in monotherapy or as an adjunct to treatment with beta-adrenoblockers.

– Under 1 week of age;
– Hypersensitivity to the drug components;
– Chronic renal insufficiency;
– pregnancy;
– Breast-feeding period.
The drug has not been studied in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency and, therefore, should be used with caution in this category of patients.
Administration during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
It is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Dosage and administration methods

  • When using Dorzial, the usual dosage is 1 drop in the affected eye (or in both eyes) in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • If any anti-glaucoma drug is replaced by Dorsial, treatment with Dorsial should be started from the next day after withdrawal of the previous drug.
  • If Dorsial is used simultaneously with other eye drops, they should be put in at least 10 min apart.
  • Procedure of work with a bottle, complete with a dropper dispenser:
    1. Remove the safety ring before using the bottle for the first time.
    Carefully remove the cap from the bottle. Without touching the dispenser, invert the bottle with the dispenser downwards, fixing it between your thumb and forefinger.
    Before use, it is recommended to pump the pipette to the appearance of the first drop of the drug by several pressings with the index finger on top of the bottle.
    Do not mechanically damage the bottle!
    3. Tilt your head back, place the dispenser of the bottle over your eye and with the index finger of one hand pull down the lower eyelid. Lightly press the bottle and drip the desired amount of solution into the conjunctival sac of the eye.
    Avoid contact of the tip of the open vial with the surface of the eye and hands.
    4. After use place the cap back on the bottle.
    After opening the vial the drug can be used for the entire shelf life. After expiry date the drug must be destroyed. Do not use Dorzial if the vial is visibly damaged.