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Fir, coconut, soybean oils (Specmaz) cream-balm cooling – [44 ml tube]


It soothes pain, relieves inflammation, has an antiseptic, disinfecting, bactericidal effect, promotes tissue healing in case of various skin lesions.

SKU: 62819 Category:


Cooling Special Ointment Description
SPETZMAZ BRAND CREM-BALM COOLING – a cooling cosmetic product.
Healing, cooling cream for rapid relief of injuries and various skin injuries, with formic alcohol, Siberian fir oil, and menthol.
Appearance and properties: thick cream with a strong odor of fir and menthol
Purpose: for skin injuries.
Optimally selected complex of Siberian fir extract, formic alcohol menthol, herbal extracts – quickly and deeply penetrates the skin:
– cools
– improves microcirculation, promotes healing
– helps to relieve swelling
– soothes
– Has an antiseptic effect;
Indications: injuries, swelling, lack of vitamins and minerals, dry skin, for warming.

Dry skin, cracks, abrasions, bruises, scrapes, burns, bruises, abrasions, diaper rash, insect bites, small wounds, cuts, redness, swollen and tired legs. When massaging relieves the feeling of heaviness and fatigue.

Individual intolerance to the components of the product.
If you experience any irritation or allergic reactions, stop using immediately.

Directions for use and dosages
– In case of pain in the legs – spread a thin layer on the problem area and gently rub upwards in the direction of the veins;
– In case of heaviness and swelling of the legs, for rapid recovery – apply a thin layer on the skin and massage gently;
– In case of bruises and bruises, for early removal of swellings – apply to the skin and rub gently with light massaging movements.