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Complex of sodium deoxyribonucleate with iron (Ferrovir) injection 15 mg/ml 5 ml – [5 ampoules]



Sodium deoxyribonucleate with iron (Ferrovir) injections are used in combination therapy of HIV-infected and AIDS patients.

SKU: 63126 Category:


Sodium deoxyribonucleate (Ferrovir) Pharmacodynamics
Ferrovir is a biologically active substance – an extract from the milk of sturgeon or salmonid fish (purified and standardized complex salt of sodium deoxyribonucleate with iron). The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, activates antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial immunity. It shows antiviral action against various RNA- and DNA-containing viruses.
Clinical experience of this medicine showed its high activity, good tolerability, absence of toxicity (1C5o>4000mcg/ml) and undesirable side effects. In AIDS/HIV therapy, 14 days of treatment with Ferrovir increases the level of CBC4+ lymphocytes in blood. This increase continues for 1-1.5 months after the end of treatment. At the same time, the viral load in the body decreases, which is reflected in a decrease of HIV RNA concentration compared to the initial level. With recurrent herpes infection, the severity and duration of relapse is reduced, and a quick and prolonged remission occurs after 10 days of treatment.
Application of Sodium deoxyribonucleate (Ferrovir) in complex treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C promotes improvement of treatment tolerance (reduction of dizziness, nausea, etc.), reduction of replicative activity of all HCV virus genotypes, shifting process to latent phase with restoration of liver cells and absence of viral replication. The drug is characterized by a high degree of activity in the combined presence of viruses of the main and opportunistic diseases.


Ferrovir® is used in combination therapy of HIV-infected and AIDS patients, HIV-infected patients with hepatitis C, HIV-infected patients with recurrent herpetic infection. In the treatment of patients with tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis C, herpes.


Contraindications .
Individual intolerance.
Pregnancy and lactation, children.


How to use and dosages
  • It is indicated intramuscularly: 5 ml (15 mg/ml) of solution for intramuscular injection (75 mg per dry substance) for adults, 2 times a day, for 14 days in the course of treatment of HIV infection or AIDS. If necessary, depending on dynamics of T4-lymphocyte number and HIV-1 RNA level in peripheral blood, repeat course of therapy in 1-1.5 months.
  • In herpes treatment, 5 ml (15 mg/ml) of solution for intramuscular injection twice a day for 10 days.
  • In treatment of hepatitis C Ferrovir® is intramuscularly injected twice a day with 5 ml (15 mg/ml) of solution for intramuscular injection during 14 days. During the next 14 days, the drug is administered in the same daily dose every other day.
  • In case of tick-borne encephalitis the drug is injected twice daily in 5 ml (15 mg/ml) of intramuscular solution for 5-10 days.
  • If intramuscular solution of 2 ml is used, recalculate until the course dose of 750 – 2100 mg is reached.