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Turpentine oil (Susteffect turpentinous) ointment 20% – [50 g tube]


A drug with a local irritant and analgesic effect of plant origin

SKU: 62858 Category:


Susteffect Turpentine Pharmacodynamics
It has a local irritant, distracting and antiseptic. The main active substance of turpentine oil (turpentine oil) turpentine a-pinene is lipophilic, easily penetrates through the epidermis and irritates the endings of sensitive nerves. Endogenous biologically active substances released under the influence of the oil also contribute to a certain extent. Histamine and other inflammatory mediators cause vasodilation, slight tissue edema, hyperemia.
The mechanism of distracting action is explained by the fact that the central nervous system (CNS) receives two streams of excitation – from pathologically changed internal organs and from the skin surface, with the latter dominating. Perception of afferent impulsation is weakened. Besides, there is a trophic effect by way of cutaneous vicceral reflex (at irritation of sensitive Zahar-Ged zones) and by way of axon-reflex (antidromnoe by postganglionar sympathetic fibers).

As an adjuvant in rheumatic pain, arthralgia, neuralgia, myalgia, lumbo-ischialgia.

Contraindications .
Hypersensitivity to any of the drug components, integrity disorders or inflammatory skin conditions at the site of intended application, children under 18 years of age, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
With caution
Hepatic and/or renal failure.
Adults with chronic diseases – use with caution after consultation with your doctor.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
It is not recommended to use.

Dosage and administration.

  • Outwardly, 1-3 times a day.
  • Applied to the painful areas of the skin, rubbing in a gentle circular motion and put a warming bandage, spend 10-15 treatments.
  • If after treatment no improvement occurs or symptoms worsen, or new symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.
  • Use the drug only according to those indications, that method of application and in those doses specified in the instructions.