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Tilorone (Amixin) 60 mg – [10 tablets]


Antiviral (with the exception of hiv) agents. Interferon inducers

SKU: 60951 Category:


Amixin Pharmacodynamics
Low-molecular synthetic inducer of interferon, stimulating formation in the body of all types of interferon (alpha, beta, gamma and lambda). The main producers of interferon in response to tiloron administration are intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils and granulocytes. After oral administration, the maximum production of interferon is determined in the sequence intestine – liver – blood in 4-24 hours. Amixin® has immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.
According to experimental data after a single oral administration of Amixin® in dose equivalent to maximum daily dose for human, maximum concentration in lung tissue of interferon lambda is determined after 24 hours, interferon alpha – after 48 hours. Induction of interferon lambda in the lung tissue enhances antiviral protection of the respiratory tract during influenza and other respiratory viral infections.
In human leukocytes induces synthesis of interferon. It stimulates bone marrow stem cells, and, depending on the dose, enhances antibody production, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, restores the ratio of T-suppressors and T-helpers. Effective against various viral infections, including influenza viruses, other acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis viruses and herpesviruses. The mechanism of antiviral action is associated with inhibition of translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, resulting in suppression of virus reproduction.

As part of the complex therapy:
In children from 7 to 18 years:
– Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARI).
In adults:
– Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
– Treatment of herpetic infections.
Prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in adults.

Contraindications .
-Hypersensitivity to Tyloron or any other component of the drug. Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Childhood age under 18 years.

Dosage and administration

  • Amixin® is taken orally, after meals.
  • For children from 7 to 18 years old:
  • In uncomplicated forms of influenza and other acute respiratory infections – 60 mg once a day on the 1st, 2nd and 4th day from the beginning of treatment. The course dose is 180 mg (3 pills).
  • For adults:
  • For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory infections – 125 mg per day for the first 2 days of treatment, then 125 mg every 48 hours. For a course of 750 mg (6 tablets).
  • For the prevention of flu and other acute respiratory viral infections – 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. For the course – 750 mg (6 tablets).
  • For the treatment of herpetic infection – the first two days in 125 mg, then in 48 hours in 125 mg. The course dose is 1.25-2.5 g (10-20 tablets).
  • When treating influenza and other acute respiratory infections, if symptoms persist for more than 4 days, consult a physician.