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Taurine (Taufone) eye drops 4% – [10 ml vial]


A drug that stimulates regeneration processes for topical use in ophthalmology

SKU: 62879 Category:


Taufon Pharmacodynamics
Anti-cataractic agent, has a metabolic effect. Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid formed in the body during the conversion of cysteine. It stimulates repair and regeneration processes in diseases of dystrophic nature and diseases accompanied by acute disturbances in the metabolism of ocular tissues.
It promotes normalization of the functions of cell membranes, activation of energy and metabolic processes, preservation of the electrolyte composition of the cytoplasm by accumulating K+ and Ca2+, and improvement of the conditions for conducting the nerve impulse.

The drug is used in combination therapy for corneal dystrophy, cataract (senile, traumatic, radiation, diabetic), corneal trauma (as a stimulator of reparative processes).
Primary open-angle glaucoma (in combination with beta-adrenoblockers (for local use in ophthalmology (to improve the outflow of intraocular fluid)).

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients of the drug, children under 18 years of age.
Administration during pregnancy and lactation
The drug may be used during pregnancy and breast feeding only in case when the drug administration benefit for a mother exceeds the potential risk for a fetus or a child.
Before using the drug Taufon® if you are pregnant or think that you may be pregnant, or are planning to become pregnant, it is necessary to consult your doctor.
It is necessary to consult with your doctor before using Taufon® during breast feeding.

Dosage and administration method

  • The drug is applied topically by instillation into the conjunctival sac.
  • For cataract, 1 to 2 drops 2 to 4 times daily for three months. The course is repeated at one-month intervals.
  • When traumas and dystrophic corneal diseases – 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day for one month.
  • In open-angle glaucoma (in combination with local beta-adrenoblockers) – 1-2 drops 2 times a day, 15-20 minutes before prescribing one of the local beta-adrenoblockers, for 6 weeks followed by withdrawal for 2 weeks.
  • Instructions for use of the dropper bottle
  • 1. To puncture the neck turn the cap clockwise, applying some force, until the bottom edge of the cap stops in the body of the dropper bottle.
  • 2. After the puncture, turn the cap counterclockwise and remove it.
  • 3. Put drops into the eyes by pressing the body of the dropper bottle.
  • 4. Close the dropper bottle, for this purpose put on the cap and turn it clockwise until the lower edge of the cap stops in the body of the dropper bottle.
  • Use the drug only according to those indications, that method of use and in those doses that are specified in the instructions.