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Povidone-iodine (Iodopyron) solution 1% – [100 ml vial]


Antiseptic for external use

SKU: 61665 Category:


Iodopyron Pharmacodynamics
Iodine in the form of a complex of polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine. The concentration of active iodine is not less than 1%. Antiseptic agent, when applied externally has a bactericidal (against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, including antibiotic-resistant strains of Escherichia coli, Staphilococcus aureus and Proteus), antifungal effect.

Decontamination of surgeon’s hands, operating theatre, surgical gloves and donor elbows, burns, purulent and infectious wounds, osteomyelitis

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hyperthyroidism, Duhring’s dermatitis herpetiformis, thyroid adenoma, renal insufficiency, before radioiodine therapy; period of newborn infancy (especially in premature infants).
Childhood, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
Administration during pregnancy and lactation
It is not recommended to use the drug in pregnancy and during breast-feeding (if necessary, the use is possible under individual medical supervision).

Dosage and administration method.

  • Outwardly. 0.1-0.5% aqueous solutions are prepared from 1% solution just before use. As an antiseptic for surgical hand treatment 0.1% (by active iodine) solutions (5 ml) are used, surgical field is wiped with a cloth soaked in the solution. In case of extensive burns the patient is immersed in a bath with 1:32 or 1:50 solution for 10-15 minutes. For complex treatment of purulent and infected wounds, osteomyelitis, disinfection of surgical gloves and treatment of donor elbow bends – 0.5% and 1% (by active iodine) solutions of Iodopyron.