Home  /   Products  /   Natural pharmacy body cream-balm Sustarutin S.R.28 shungite with cinquefoil and ginkgo biloba – [75 ml tube]

Natural pharmacy body cream-balm Sustarutin S.R.28 shungite with cinquefoil and ginkgo biloba – [75 ml tube]


Recommended for painful sensations (neuralgia, myositis, joint pain, radiculitis).

SKU: 62539 Category:


Shungite cream-balm Description
Recommended for painful sensations (neuralgia, myositis, joint pain, radiculitis). Reduces the degree of inflammation in the nerve endings, normalizes their sensitivity, reduces the feeling of “stiffness” in the joints, stimulates capillary blood flow in the joints, helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, has analgesic effect. Shungite has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, blocks the process of oxidation in cells, thereby protecting them from the damaging effects of free radicals. Cinquefoil is an active biostimulant and natural analgesic, has a rapid analgesic effect, reduces inflammation, promotes the formation of cartilage structure, restores the basic functions of the joints. Ginkgo biloba – a powerful antioxidant, stimulates blood circulation, has a vasodilator, anti-edema and anti-inflammatory effect.

Recommended for painful conditions (neuralgia, myositis, joint pain, radiculitis).

Contraindications .
Individual intolerance to the components.

How to use and dosages

  • Apply the cream-balm on the appropriate areas of the body with gentle massaging motions. Apply 2-3 times a day.