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Iodine (Lugol with glycerin) solution for topical application + atomizer – [50 g vial]


Antiseptic for local use

SKU: 61941 Category:


Lugol with glycerin Pharmacodynamics
Elemental iodine has pronounced antimicrobial properties. Elemental iodine preparations are characterized by a pronounced local irritating effect on tissues, and in high concentrations – a cauterizing effect. Local action is due to the ability of elemental iodine to precipitate tissue proteins. Preparations that detach elemental iodine have much less pronounced irritating effect, and iodides have local irritating properties only in very high concentrations.
The nature of resorptive action of preparations of elemental iodine and iodides is the same. Iodine preparations have the most pronounced resorptive effect on thyroid function. In case of iodine deficiency, iodides help to restore the disturbed synthesis of thyroid hormones. At normal levels of iodine in the environment, iodides inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones, reducing the sensitivity of the thyroid gland to pituitary TSH and blocking its secretion by the pituitary gland. The effect of iodine preparations on metabolism is manifested by increased dissimilation. At atherosclerosis, they cause some decrease in cholesterol and beta-lipoprotein concentrations in blood; besides, they increase fibrinolytic and lipoproteinase activity of blood serum and slow blood clotting rate.
Accumulating in syphilitic gummas, iodine promotes their softening and resorption. However, the accumulation of iodine in tuberculous foci leads to an increase in their inflammatory process. Iodine release by excretory glands is accompanied by irritation of glandular tissue and increased secretion. This causes expectorant action and stimulation of lactation (in small doses). However, in high doses iodine preparations may cause suppression of lactation.

For external use: infectious-inflammatory skin lesions, injuries, wounds, myalgia.
For local use: chronic tonsillitis, atrophic rhinitis, purulent otitis, trophic and varicose ulcers, wounds, infected burns, fresh thermal and chemical burns I-II degree.
For oral use: prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, tertiary syphilis.

Contraindications .
Hypersensitivity to iodine. For inside – pulmonary tuberculosis, nephritis, nephrosis, adenomas (including thyroid), furunculosis, acne, chronic pyoderma, hemorrhagic diathesis, urticaria, pregnancy, children under 5 years.

Dosage and administration

  • When applied topically iodine treat damaged skin.
  • For oral administration the dose is adjusted individually, depending on the indication and age of the patient.
  • Topically it is used for irrigation of lacunae and supratonsillar spaces – 4-5 procedures at intervals of 2-3 days, for irrigation of nasopharynx – 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months, for ear drops and flushing – for 2-4 weeks, surgical practice and burns moisten as needed applied to the affected surface gauze napkins.