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Hydroxymethylquinoxalindioxide (Dioxydin) ointment 5% – [30 g tube]


Antibacterial drug, quinoxaline derivative

SKU: 61530 Category:


Dioxidine Pharmacokinetics
When applied topically it is partially absorbed from the wound or burn surface. Well and quickly penetrates into all organs and tissues, excreted by the kidneys. It does not accumulate.

Wound and burn infection – superficial and deep purulent wounds of various localizations (including those with deep purulent cavities – soft tissue abscesses, pelvic cell phlegmons, Post-operative wounds of urinary and biliary tracts, purulent mastitis), nonhealing wounds and trophic ulcers, soft tissue phlegmons, infected burns, purulent wounds in osteomyelitis, pustular skin diseases.

Hypersensitivity to the drug components, adrenal insufficiency (including anamnesis), pregnancy, breast-feeding, children under 18 years old.
Caution Renal insufficiency.
Administration during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy. Use during breast-feeding is possible only after the transfer of the child to artificial feeding.

Dosage and administration.

  • Outwardly. A thin layer of ointment is put directly on the affected area, pre-cleansed from purulent-necrotic masses, or pre-lubricate it with a napkin layer thickness of 2-3 mm, in purulent cavities are introduced soaked in ointment tampons. The procedure is performed daily or every other day, depending on the condition of the wound and the course of the wound process. Duration of treatment is up to 3 weeks.