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Herpes simplex virus types I and II antigens (Vitaherpavac) 0.3 ml – [5 vials]


Vaccine to prevent herpes infection

SKU: 61296 Category:


Vitagerpavak Indications
Prevention of recurrent herpes infections caused by herpes simplex virus types I and II.

1. Herpes infection in the active stage (relapse). Vaccination should be carried out not earlier than 14 days after disappearance of clinical manifestations; not earlier than one month for ophthalmoherpes.
2. acute infectious and noninfectious diseases. (Vaccination is carried out not earlier than 30 days after recovery)
Chronic diseases in the stage of acute condition or decompensation. 4.
4. Malignant tumors
5. Pregnancy
6. Allergy to gentamicin and other aminoglycoside antibiotics

Directions for use and dosages

  • Vaccination is carried out in medical and recreational facilities by prescription and under medical supervision. The vaccine is used in remission, not earlier than 10 days after complete disappearance of clinical manifestations of herpes infection, with ophthalmoherpes not earlier than 1 month.
  • The contents of the vial is dissolved in 0.3 ml of solvent (sterile water for injection). For this purpose, the solvent is injected into the vaccine bottle using a syringe with a needle, which is then shaken until the contents are completely dissolved. The dissolved preparation should be an opalescent liquid of pink or pink and yellow color. There should be no visible mechanical inclusions. Dissolved vaccine must not be stored.
  • The drug is not suitable for use in bottles with compromised integrity, labeling, color change, expiration date, improper storage.
  • Opening the bottle, dissolving the drug and the vaccination procedure shall be carried out with strict adherence to asepsis rules.
  • The drug is injected intradermally into the inner surface of the forearm in a single dose of 0.2 ml (control – formation of “lemon crust”).
  • The vaccination course for herpes infection of the skin and mucous membranes consists of 5 injections given at 7-day intervals.
  • Patients with complicated herpes infections (recurrences of 1 or more times a month) shall have the second and subsequent injections repeated at 10-day intervals.
  • After 6 months, the vaccination course is repeated (5 injections).