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Glycolan, triethylene glycol, ethyl carbitol (Eplan) – [20 ml vial]


Antiseptic protective agent that heals the epidermis, regenerates damaged skin and promotes the treatment of skin diseases

SKU: 63426 Category:


Eplan has been developed as a topical treatment that helps to promote the normalization of damaged skin.

Eplan Description
EPLAN COSMETIC REFIXING LIQUID is an antiseptic protective agent that heals the epidermis, regenerates damaged skin and promotes the treatment of skin diseases
Appearance and properties: homogenous transparent or semi-transparent liquid, yellowish to reddish brown in color, with a slight smell of hay
Universal cosmetic Eplan” on the basis of organic lanthanum complex possesses strong regenerative properties, prevents formation of scars, supports skin protective functions and reliably protects skin from solar, thermal and chemical factors, eliminates itching and edema of different origin, including after insect bite.
Contributes to the normalization of the damaged skin.
Glycolan (organic complex lanthanum) 5, 6% FS 001462 from 26/07/16 is a strong complexing agent, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antibacterial and protective effect.
Glycerin is an important component of the skin epidermis, provides its hydration and helps replenish missing moisture.
The product efficiently regenerates skin after burns (thermal, chemical, solar, electrical, radiation), mechanical damage (bruises, bruises, abrasions, minor cuts), bites of various insects, jellyfish, echinoderms (redness, swelling, edema, itching).
The product speeds up regenerative processes in skin, prevents keloid formations, restores its natural defence functions and immunity.
Eplan lotion is a real travel agent, it can be taken with you in every trip, on holidays, in a camping trip and so on.
Special features: It contains no antibiotics, hormones or ethyl alcohol.
Skin integrity disorders caused by excessive exposure to chemical, thermal, mechanical, physical and biological factors.
Hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug.
Dosage and administration
  • Apply the drug to damaged skin at least 3 times a day.
  • Apply a thin layer on the skin.
  • Use for the entire period of recovery.