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Glycine sublingual 100 mg – [50 tablets]


A drug that improves brain metabolism

SKU: 61404 Category:


Glycine Pharmacodynamics
Glycine is an amino acid and one of the main inhibitory neurotransmitters of the brain. Glycine normalizes and activates the processes of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces psycho-emotional tension, increases mental performance.
Glycine has glycine and GABA-ergic, alpha 1-adrenoblocking effect, regulates the activity of glutamate (NMDA) receptors.
The drug has the following properties:
– reduces psycho-emotional tension, aggression, conflict, increases social adaptation;
– it improves mood;
– facilitates falling asleep and normalizes sleep;
– increases mental performance;
– Reduces vascular disorders (including menopause);
– Reduces the severity of brain disorders in ischemic stroke and brain injury;
– Reduces the toxic effects of alcohol and other drugs that depress CNS function.

– Reduced mental performance;
– Stressful situations – psycho-emotional stress (during examinations, conflicts, etc.);
– deviant (deviant from the norm) forms of behavior of children and adolescents;
– Various functional and organic diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by hyperexcitability, emotional instability, decreased mental performance, memory and sleep disorders: neurosis, neurosis-like conditions and vegetative vascular dystonia, stress nervous disorders, neuroinfections and consequences of craniocerebral injury, perinatal and other forms of encephalopathy (including alcohol genesis);
– Ischemic stroke.

Hypersensitivity to glycine or other drug components.
Precautions for use: no special precautions are required.
Use during pregnancy and during breast-feeding:
Glycine is not recommended for administration during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to lack of sufficient data.

Dosage and administration

  • Glycine is administered sublingually or in cheeks (tablets or as powder after crushing the tablet): adults, adolescents and children over 3 years old – 1 tablet (100 mg), children under 3 years old – 0.5 tablets (50 mg).
  • Glycine is prescribed for almost healthy children, teenagers and adults with psycho-emotional tension, stress disorder, decreased memory, attention, mental performance, mental retardation, with deviant forms of behavior: 2-3 times a day for 14-30 days.
  • In functional and organic lesions of the nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability, emotional lability and sleep disorders:
    – Children under three years of age: 2-3 times a day for 7-14 days, thereafter once a day for 7-10 days, the daily dose is 100-150 mg, the course dose is 2000-2600 mg;
    – Children over 3 years of age, adolescents and adults: 2-3 times a day for 7-14 days, the daily dose is 200-300 mg, the course dose – 2800-4200 mg;
    According to a doctor’s recommendation, the course of treatment can be increased up to 30 days. If necessary, the course should be repeated after 30 days.
  • For sleep disorders: 20 minutes before going to sleep or just before going to bed, 0.5 to 1 tablet (depending on age).
  • In cases of ischemic cerebral stroke: during the first 3-6 hours of stroke appoint ¬ 1000 mg sublingually or in cheek with a teaspoon of water, then within 1-5 days to 1000 mg per day, then within the next 30 days 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • In substance abuse treatment, glycine is used as a remedy to increase mental performance and decrease psycho-emotional tension during remission in case of encephalopathy and organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system: 1 tablet 2-3 times daily for 14-30 days. If necessary, the courses are repeated 4-6 times a year.