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Glucosamine (Elbona) injection 200 mg/ml + solvent – [6 ampoules]


Tissue repair stimulator

SKU: 63387 Category:


Elbona Pharmacodynamics
A drug that stimulates the process of cartilage tissue repair. Glucosamine sulfate has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, fills the endogenous deficit of glucosamine, stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid synovial fluid; promotes sulfur fixation in the synthesis of chondroitinous acid, inhibits the development of degenerative processes in joints, restores their function.
Glucosamine helps to prevent the destruction of cartilage, stimulates the restoration of cartilage tissue. Improves joint mobility, reduces the need for NSAIDs.
Primary and secondary osteoarthritis, spondyloarthritis and osteochondrosis.
Contraindications .
Individual hypersensitivity to glucosamine, lidocaine hydrochloride and other components of the drug.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding period, childhood (under 12 years) due to lack of clinical data in this category of patients.
Because of lidocaine content, the drug is contraindicated in patients with acute cardiac insufficiency, history of epileptiform convulsions, severe liver and renal dysfunctions and cardiac conduction disorders.
Elbona should be used with caution by patients with chronic heart failure and arterial hypotension.
If intolerance of seafood (shrimp, mollusks), the possibility of allergic reactions to the drug increases.
Dosage and administration regimen
  • Elbona is administered by injection/m! The drug is not suitable for intravenous injection.
  • Before injection mix the solvent (solution B) and the drug solution (solution A) in a syringe. Prepared solution is administered 3 ml (2 ml of solution A + 1 ml of solution B) 3 times a week for 4-6 weeks.