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Bacteriophage salmonellicum A,B,C,D,E solution – [100 ml vial]


Immunobiological preparation – bacteriophage

SKU: 61077 Category:


Salmonellosis bacteriophage Indications
– Disease or bacterial transmission caused by Salmonella serotypes mentioned above.
An important condition for effective phagotherapy is prior determination of phage sensitivity and early administration of the drug.


There are no contraindications.


Dosage and administration


  • The drug is intended for internal use. For treatment, bacteriophage is taken by mouth 1 hour before meals from the 1st day of the disease during 7-10 days of treatment. If the disease is characterized by low colic syndrome and during convalescence, simultaneously with oral administration it is recommended to administer the drug rectally in the form of enemas instead of 1 oral administration.
  • Recommended drug dosage (see instructions).
  • For preventive purposes, the drug is recommended for prevention of bacteriocarriage, nosocomial infections, during group diseases in organized groups and families. Optimal patterns of use are daily administration of a single dose depending on age. Duration of drug intake is determined by the conditions of epidemic situation.
  • The bottle with liquid bacteriophage must be shaken before use. Do not use if cloudy.