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Aminodihydrophtalazinedione sodium (Galavit) rectal 50 mg – [5 suppositories]


Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drug

SKU: 61319 Category:


Galavit Pharmacodynamics
The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with its ability to regulate
functional and metabolic activity of innate and adaptive immunity cells (monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, natural killers, etc.). Galavit normalizes phagocytic activity of monocytes/ macrophages, bactericidal activity of neutrophils and cytotoxic activity of NK-cells.
At the same time, restoring the reduced activity of innate and adaptive immunity cells, the drug increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases.
Moreover Galavit normalizes antibody formation, increases functional activity (affinity) of antibodies.
At inflammatory diseases the preparation reversibly for 6-8 hours inhibits excessive synthesis by overactivated macrophages of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and other pro-inflammatory cytokines which level determines the degree of inflammatory reactions, their
cyclicity, as well as the severity of intoxication of the body. Galavit decreases the production of hyperactivated macrophages of reactive oxygen species, thus
thereby reducing the level of oxidative stress and protecting tissues and organs from the damaging effects of radicals.
Normalization of excessively high functional activity of phagocytic cells leads to restoration of their antigen-presenting and regulatory functions, reducing the level of autoaggression.
The drug has no allergizing, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic effects.

As an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of immunodeficiency disorders in adults and adolescents over 12 years:
– Infectious-inflammatory urogenital diseases (urethritis of chlamydial and trichomonad etiology; chlamydial prostatitis, acute and chronic salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis);
– Purulent inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
– Chronic recurrent diseases caused by the herpes virus;
– Diseases caused by the papilloma virus;
– Postoperative rehabilitation of patients with uterine myoma;
– Complications of postoperative period in women of reproductive age;
– Postoperative pyo-septic complications and their prevention (including cancer patients);
– Chronic recurrent furunculosis, rye;
– nonspecific prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections;
– inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, periodontal disease;
– viral hepatitis;
– Infectious intestinal diseases accompanied by intoxication and/or diarrhea
– Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer
– Asthenic conditions, neurotic and somatoform disorders, reduced physical performance (including athletes); mental
Behavioral and postabstinence disorders with alcohol and drug dependence

Hypersensitivity to Galavit and other components of the drug, pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under 12 years of age.
Use during pregnancy and breast-feeding period:
Use of the drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and during breast-feeding.

Dosage and administration

  • Rectally. The suppository is freed from the contouring package and then inserted into the rectum. It is recommended to free the intestines beforehand.
  • The dose and duration of use of the drug depends on the nature, severity and duration of the disease.
    – With frequent recurrent respiratory and ENT diseases of bacterial and viral etiology (frequent acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis, otitis, adenoiditis): one suppository daily for 5 days, then one suppository every other day for 10 days. The course of 15 suppositories.
    – For the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections: one suppository 1 time a day. The course of 5 suppositories.
    – For inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, periodontal disease: The initial dose of 1 suppository daily – 5 suppositories, then one suppository at intervals of 72 hours. The course of 15 suppositories.
    – During acute infectious intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrheal syndrome: The initial dose is 2 suppositories 50 mg once and then 1 suppository 2 times a day until relief of intoxication symptoms. Subsequent continuation of the course of 1 suppository at intervals of 72 hours is possible. The course of 20 suppositories of 50 mg.
    – In the treatment and prophylaxis of urogenital infections of bacterial and viral etiology: 1 suppository 2 times a day, then 1 suppository a day. The course of 10-15 suppositories (depending on the severity of the pathological process).
    – In chronic recurrent diseases caused by the herpes virus: 1 suppository daily for 5 days, then 1 suppository every other day – 15 suppositories.
    – In diseases caused by the papilloma virus: 5 days 1 suppository 1 time a day, then 1 suppository every other day. The course of 20 suppositories.
    – In peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer in the acute period: 2 days 2 suppositories once a day, then 1 suppository at an interval of 72 hours. The course of 15-25 suppositories. In the chronic period: 5 days, 1 suppository 1 time per day, then 1 suppository 72 hours apart. The course of 20 suppositories.
    – In viral hepatitis: the initial dose is 2 suppositories once, then one – 2 times a day until relief of symptoms of intoxication and inflammation. Subsequent continuation of the course of 1 suppository at intervals of 72 hours. The course of 20 suppositories.
    – For purulent surgical diseases (burn lesions, recurrent furunculosis, chronic osteomyelitis, gangrenous appendicitis with omentitis, purulent pleurisy): 1 suppository daily for 5 days, then 1 suppository every other day for 10 days.
    – For prevention and treatment of surgical complications during pre- and postoperative periods (including cancer patients): 1 suppository 1 time daily – 5 suppositories before surgery, 5 suppositories after surgery – 1 every other day and 5 suppositories – c an interval of 72 hours. If the course of the disease is severe, the initial dose is 2 suppositories once or twice a day with one suppository. The course of 20 suppositories.
    – In asthenic conditions, neurotic and somatoform disorders: 5 days one suppository daily, then one suppository every 72 hours. The course of 15 suppositories.
  • To increase physical performance: 1 suppository every other day for a course of 5 suppositories.
  • If after treatment, no improvement or aggravation of symptoms occurs or new symptoms appear, consult a physician. Use the drug only according to the indications, the method of administration and the dosage indicated in the instructions for use.