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Extracts of celandine, aloe, kalanchoe (Aquirin Rino) spray – [15 ml vial]


Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

SKU: 60917 Category:


AkvirinRino Description
Hygienic spray for the care of nasal mucosa.
Liquid from light yellow to light brown in color with a specific herbal smell. The presence of fine suspension is allowed. It is non-toxic.
The spray “AQUIRIN-RINO” – a multicomponent aqueous solution of natural herbal ingredients of natural origin, created by the original technology.
The combination of plant extracts and essential oils in the composition ensures its high effectiveness.
Properties of the active ingredients:
Aloe (Aloe) – Aloe leaf juice contains biologically active substances minerals that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial properties.
Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe) – the juice of the plant contains many useful substances such as tannins, enzymes, flavonoids, organic acids, micro- and macroelements. Due to this plant has an anti-inflammatory, styptic, antibacterial, wound healing properties.
meadowsweet (Filipendula) has an extremely wide range of uses in medicine. This is due to its composition, which includes vitamin C, tannins, phenolic compounds and salicylic acid and its derivatives. Because of this, meadowsweet is used as a general tonic, bactericidal, styptic, wound healing and antiviral agent.
Hellebore (Chelidonium) – The sap of the celandine is widely used in folk medicine. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, analgesic, antimicrobial, wound healing properties.
Tea tree oil (Melaleuca altemifolia) is a unique natural antibiotic of selective action. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing properties.

Recommended as an aid in the complex treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nasal cavity and sinuses

Individual intolerance of individual components. Childhood (under 2.5 years)

Dosage and administration

  • Remove the protective cap. Before first use, press several times atomizing nozzle until an even cloud of “mist” appears.
    The bottle is ready to use.
  • Adults: one to two injections into each nostril 3 to 4 times a day.
    Children 2.5 to 15 years of age: one injection in each nostril 3 times a day.
    Duration of use 5-10 days.