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Acetylcysteine, ivy extract (Broncho) effervescent – [7 tablets]


Mucolytic drug

SKU: 61151 Category:


Broncho Description.
EVALAR BRONCHO (Acetylcysteine 1000 mg) – maximum acetylcysteine in one tablet to soothe cough
A cough is one of the clearest indicators of the presence of an acute respiratory infection. And if it drags on, life just becomes unbearable. Most diseases accompanied by coughing are associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Mucolytics (means for thinning sputum) are actively used for its recovery, in particular – acetylcysteine.
Contents in 1 tablet:
Acetylcysteine 1000 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Ivy extract 35 mg
Evalar Broncho promotes:
– Thinning and expectoration of phlegm
– Relief of cough and breathing
– Reduces the frequency of coughing attacks
– Faster cough recovery
How the ingredients work
Acetylcysteine has a direct effect on the rheological properties of biological fluids, in particular is able to thin sputum, and also increases the speed of the cilia of the atrial epithelium, through which the sputum is quickly and effectively removed from the airways. In addition, the substance reduces the colonization of viruses and bacteria in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and has an anti-inflammatory effect2.
Vitamin C is a recognized immunostimulant. It increases the production of interferon proteins, which are among the first to fight viruses. It has anti-inflammatory properties, helps neutralize free radicals and protect lung cells from their aggressive effects3,4.
Ivy contains beneficial substances – saponins, which have expectorant, antispasmodic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects. Ivy thus helps to moisten the respiratory tract mucosa and reduces the viscosity of sputum. In addition, it has a restorative effect – tones the body and mobilizes its defenses, contributing to a speedy recovery.
Advantages of Broncho AcetylCysteine:
-Maximum dosage is 1000 mg (acetylcysteine).
-Easy to take -5 fizzy form
-Convenient to take – only 1 tablet per day, pack for a course
Great taste, no preservatives, gluten-free
-High quality raw materials

As a dietary food supplement – an additional source of vitamin C, containing acetylcysteine. Helps to liquefy and expectoration of phlegm, relieve coughing and breathing, reducing the frequency of coughing attacks, speeding up the recovery of coughs.

Contraindications .
Hypersensitivity of the components, pregnancy, breast-feeding. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Dosage and administration

  • Adults: 1 tablet a day, dissolved in 200 ml of water.
  • The duration of intake – at least one week.
  • If necessary, adults can repeat the reception.