Home  /   Products  /   vegetable polysaccharides, lactic acid (Vapigel) vaginal gel 5ml – [7 tubes]

vegetable polysaccharides, lactic acid (Vapigel) vaginal gel 5ml – [7 tubes]


Restoration and maintenance of the own microflora of the vagina

SKU: 61212 Category:


VAPIGEL Description
VAPIGEL – a vaginal gel for the preservation of vaginal pH
Vapigel is designed to maintain the normal vaginal flora and to prevent the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, to maintain the natural pH values of the vagina and to prevent the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis during a course of antibiotics and/or antifungal drugs and to eliminate the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis after menstruation.
Key Specifications.
The vaginal gel is a non-toxic, ready-to-use product.
The permissible color is from light gray to light beige.
The odor is unremarkable slightly acidic.
Vaginal gel is a prebiotic of plant origin and promotes the growth of its own lactoflora, the restoration of individual biocenosis of the vagina. Lactic acid helps to reduce the pH of the vagina (i.e. creating a more acidic environment).
Plant polysaccharides are a nutrient medium necessary for the reproduction of lactobacilli.
Normalizing the values of pH and creating the appropriate conditions for the reproduction of lactobacilli, the gel restores the natural environment in the vagina and eliminates the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis – copious discharge, discomfort and odor.

Restoration and maintenance of own microflora of the vagina under the influence of factors leading to the development of dysbiosis of the vagina:
– Therapy with antibiotics, cytostatics, corticosteroids, antiviral, antifungal drugs, irradiation (or radiation therapy);
– conducting hormonal ovarian hyperstimulation in an IVF cycle;
– Use of hormonal contraceptives;
– Hormonal changes during pregnancy;
– use of broad-spectrum vaginal pills and suppositories, frequent and excessive vaginal showers, and douches;
– Use of spermicides (including condoms with lubricant containing 9-nonoxynol) and intrauterine contraceptives;
– Recent change of sexual partner, frequent sexual intercourse;
– Prolonged menstruation.

The use of vaginal gel should be avoided during attempts to conceive, as the low pH values of the vagina have a negative effect on sperm activity, and should not be used as a means of contraception. Do not use after the expiration date! Do not use the tube if its integrity is damaged.
Preparation of the product for use and procedure. Vaginal gel is available in tubes for single use. To open the tube, turn the cap and remove it. Take a horizontal position (lie down). Fully insert the tip of the tube into the vagina. Squeeze the walls of the tube. Without stopping to squeeze, remove the tube. You can then throw the tube away. It is best to use the gel before going to bed, as some gel may leak out. It is recommended to use sanitary pads for underwear.

How to use and dosages

  • Intravaginal.
  • When bacterial vaginosis: elimination of symptoms of bacterial vaginosis – heavy discharge, unpleasant odor, vaginal discomfort: 1 tube daily for 10 days.
  • Maintenance of natural values of pH of a vagina and prevention of occurrence of symptoms of bacterial vaginosis: 1-2 tubes a week.
  • Maintenance of natural values of pH of the vagina during a course of antibiotics and/or antifungal drugs: 1 tube per day.
  • Elimination of symptoms of bacterial vaginosis after menstruation: at the end of menstruation use 1 tube per day for 1-2 days.
  • In the IVF cycle: from the 5th day of hormonal stimulation of ovaries, 1 tube per day until the end of the stimulation cycle.