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Tar, xeroform (Balsamic liniment Wishnevsky) – [30 g tube]


The drug with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration-improving action for external use

SKU: 61892 Category:


Balsamic liniment Pharmacodynamics
The combined product for external use. It has antiseptic and locally irritating effect, accelerates regeneration processes. Birch tar has keratoplastic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,
It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, locally irritating effects, helps improve blood supply to tissues.
Bismuth tribromphenolate and bismuth oxide complex (xeroform) have astringent, adsorptive, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action. When used externally xeroform accelerates tissue regeneration.

Non-infected, nonhealing post-operative, post-traumatic skin and soft tissue wounds.

Contraindications .
Increased individual sensitivity to the drug components. Acute purulent skin and soft tissue (abscessed boils, carbuncle, phlegmon, abscess, hydradenitis, lymphadenitis, festering atheroma, lipoma, paraproctitis).

Directions for use and dosages

  • Outwardly. The affected areas of the skin is applied to a gauze cloth soaked in liniment.
  • Adverse effect allergic reactions. With prolonged use may irritate the skin.