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Tamsulosin (Tamzelin) prolonged action 0.4 mg – [30 capsules]


A drug used for urinary disorders associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Alpha1-blocker

SKU: 62867 Category:


Tamzeline Pharmacodynamics
Selectively and competitively blocks the postsynaptic alpha 1a-adrenoreceptors located in the smooth muscle of the prostate, bladder neck and prostatic part of the urethra. It reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the prostate, bladder neck and the prostatic part of the urethra, improving the outflow of urine. Simultaneously the symptoms of obstruction and irritation of the urinary tract associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia are reduced. The therapeutic effect occurs 2 weeks after the start of treatment. Its tropism to the alpha 1a-adrenoreceptors in the urinary bladder is 20 times greater than its ability to interact with the alpha 1b-adrenoreceptors in the vascular smooth muscle. Due to this high selectivity, it does not cause any clinically significant reduction in systemic blood pressure both in patients with arterial hypertension and in patients with normal baseline blood pressure.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (treatment of dysuric disorders).


Hypersensitivity to tamsulosin or another component of the drug. Age under 18 years.
With caution:
Chronic renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance below 10 ml/min), arterial hypotension (including orthostatic), severe hepatic insufficiency.
Pregnancy and lactation:
The drug is not used in women.


Dosage and administration method
Orally, 0.4 mg daily with plenty of water. Capsules are taken as a whole, without chewing, after the first meal.