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Plantago ovata (Fibralax) powder 5 g – [20 sachets]


Herbal laxative

Plantago ovata (Firbalax) is used in constipation, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, postoperative period with interventions in the anorectal area (in order to create a softer consistency of stools), functional diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, as an aid to diet at hypercholesterolemia.

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Plantago ovata (Fibralax) Pharmacodynamics
The active ingredient of plantain seed shells consists of the episperm and adjacent layers of dried mature plantain oval Plantago ovata Forssk. (Plantago ispaghula Roxb.). Plantain seed shells are particularly rich in dietary fiber and plant mucus; their content is much higher than that of other plantain species. Plantain seed coatings are capable of absorbing up to 40 times their own weight in water. They consist of up to 85% water-soluble fiber, which is partially fermentable (in vitro, the unfermentable residue is 72%) and contributes to stool hydration.
Intestinal peristalsis and the rate of passage of its contents can be changed under the influence of plantain seed shells by mechanical expansion of the intestinal wall. This occurs as a result of an increase in the mass of the contents of the large intestine and a decrease in its viscosity due to absorption of water.
The intestinal contents of plantain seeds shells containing large quantities of liquid increases due to their high volumetric capacity; as a consequence, the anal sphincter is stimulated to stretch, which causes defecation. At the same time, the swollen mass of mucous substance forms a lubricating layer, which facilitates the passage of the intestinal contents. The drug restores normal intestinal function.
Onset of action: Plantain seed shells usually act as a laxative for 12-24 hours after a single dose. Sometimes the maximum effect is achieved only after 2-3 days.
In mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia, a decrease in LDL cholesterol of about 7% was observed. Studies of the effect of plantain seed shells on the incidence of cardiovascular complications and overall mortality have not been conducted.


Indications .
Constipation, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, postoperative period with interventions in the anorectal area (in order to create a softer consistency of stools), functional diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, as an aid to diet at hypercholesterolemia.


Known hypersensitivity to plantain (Greater Plantain or Psyllium) or to any component of Plantago ovata (Fibralax), sudden changes in defecation mode lasting more than 2 weeks, rectal bleeding of unclear etiology, inability to defecate after laxative use, difficulty in swallowing, esophageal stenosis, cardiac gastric or gastrointestinal tract, potential or existing intestinal obstruction (ileus), intestinal paralysis or megacolon syndrome, fructose intolerance, sucrose-isomaltase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, phenylketonuria, age below 12 years (due to lack of data on effectiveness and safety in this population).


Dosage and administration
  • Oral intake.
  • For treatment of chronic constipation and states for which soft stool consistency is necessary (for example, anal fissures, hemorrhoids): Adults and children over 12 years of age – 1 sachet 1-3 times daily 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. Before using the contents of one sachet pour a glass of cold water, stir and drink immediately, then drink another glass of liquid.
  • As maintenance therapy in patients with functional diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome or hypercholesterolemia: Adults and children over 12 years of age – 1 sachet 2-6 times daily during 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. Before using the contents of 1 sachet pour a glass of cold water, stir and drink immediately, then drink another glass of liquid.
  • If the cholesterol level is high (mild to moderate), it is recommended to take during a meal.
  • Course of treatment: in acute constipation – until constipation disappears (1-2 days), with chronic constipation – up to 4 weeks, after a break of a week may repeat the course, with anal fissures and hemorrhoids – to achieve no discomfort during defecation (up to 4 weeks, after a weekly break may repeat the course), in postoperative period with interventions in the anorectal area – on the advice of a doctor (4 weeks).
  • The drug should not be taken in the supine position or immediately before going to bed. If the patient has prolonged constipation and irregular stools for more than 3 days, or diarrhea which lasts more than 2 days or is accompanied by blood or fever, it is necessary to consult a physician.
  • If there is no positive effect of the current therapy, the condition worsens or new symptoms appear, consult a physician. Use the drug only according to the indications, the route of administration and the doses given in the instructions.