Home  /   Products  /   Peppermint oil, ethylbromisovalerinate, motherwort herba (Corvalol Phyto) drops – [50 ml vial]

Peppermint oil, ethylbromisovalerinate, motherwort herba (Corvalol Phyto) drops – [50 ml vial]


Sedative agent

SKU: 61792 Category:


Corvalol Phyto Pharmacodynamics
A combination drug, the action of which is due to the properties of its constituent substances. It has sedative and antispasmodic effects, moderate cardiotonic effect (slows rhythm and increases strength of heart contractions), has moderate hypotensive properties.
Ethylbromizovalerianat has sedative and antispasmodic effect caused by irritation, mainly of receptors in the mouth and nasopharynx, reducing reflex excitability in the central nervous system and increased inhibition in the cortex and subcortical neurons of the brain, as well as reducing the activity of central vasomotor centers and a direct local spasmolytic effect on smooth muscles.
Motherwort herb has a pronounced sedative (sedative), moderate cardiotonic (slows rhythm and increases the force of heart contractions), moderate hypotensive effect.
Peppermint oil has a reflex vasodilatory, antispasmodic, mild choleretic, antiseptic action. The mechanism of action is related to the ability to irritate the “cold” receptors of the mucous membrane of the mouth and expand reflexively mainly vessels of the heart and brain. It eliminates the phenomena of flatulence by irritating the mucous membrane receptors of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), increasing intestinal peristalsis.

Sleep disorders, neurosis-like conditions, accompanied by increased irritability and excitability, agitation with marked autonomic manifestations, as antispasmodic agent – in intestinal spasms, as well as symptomatic (sedative and vasodilator) means in functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.

– Hypersensitivity to the drug components;
– Severe renal and/or hepatic impairment;
– erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (acute phase);
– pregnancy;
– Breast-feeding period;
– Children under 18 years of age (efficacy and safety have not been established).
– Impaired liver function and/or renal function.
– Epilepsy.
– Alcoholism.
– Patients of high risk group, including those with liver diseases, craniocerebral trauma, brain diseases.
If you have one of the above mentioned diseases/conditions, consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
The safety of Corvalol Fito during pregnancy has not been established and its use during this period is contraindicated. There is no data on penetration of the drug components into the breast milk, so if it is necessary to use during breast-feeding, the question of stopping breast-feeding should be solved.

Directions for use and dosages.

  • Adults .
  • Orally, before meals, 3 times a day, 30 drops dissolved in a small amount (30-40 ml) of water.
  • The course of treatment for four weeks (28 days).
  • The duration of intake may be increased by a doctor’s recommendation.