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Methylethylpiridinol (Emoxipine) injections 10 mg/ml 1 ml – [10 ampoules]



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Emoxypine injections Pharmacodynamics
Antioxidant. Emoxypine reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, is an inhibitor of free radical processes, an antihypoxant and an antioxidant.
It reduces blood viscosity and platelet aggregation, increases cyclic nucleotide content (cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cyclic guanosine monophosphate) in platelets and brain tissue, has fibrinolytic activity, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall and the risk of hemorrhage, promotes their resorption. Dilates coronary vessels, in the acute period of myocardial infarction limits the size of the focus of necrosis, improves the contractility of the heart and the function of its conduction system. At high blood pressure it has a hypotensive effect. In acute ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation it reduces the severity of neurological symptoms, increases tissue resistance to hypoxia and ischemia.
It has retinoprotective properties, protects the retina from the damaging effects of high-intensity light, promotes resorption of intraocular hemorrhages, improves microcirculation in the eye.
– Subconjunctival and intraocular hemorrhage of various genesis;
– Angioretinopathy (including diabetic retinopathy);
– Central and peripheral chorioretinal dystrophy;
– Thrombosis of the central vein of the retina and its branches;
– Complications of myopia;
– Angiosclerotic maculodystrophy (dry form);
– Surgical interventions on the eyes, condition after surgery for glaucoma with choroidal detachment;
– Dystrophic corneal diseases;
– Trauma, inflammation and burns of the cornea;
– Protection of the cornea (when wearing contact lenses) and the retina against high intensity light (laser and solar burns, laser photocoagulation)
– Increased individual sensitivity to the drug;
– Pregnancy, lactation;
– Children under 18 years of age.
Dosage and administration
  • Emoxypine injections solution is administered subconjunctivally or parabulbar. If necessary, retrobulbar injection is possible. Subconjunctival injection is 0.2-0.5 ml (2-5 mg), parabulbar 0.5-1 ml (5-10 mg) of the solution. Emoxypine is used once a day or every other day for 10-30 days. If necessary, treatment may be repeated 2-3 times a year.
  • Retrobulbar solution is administered 0.5-1 ml once a day for 10-15 days.
  • To protect retina during laser coagulation (including restrictive and destructive coagulation of tumors) – parabulbar or retrobulbar 0.5-1 ml of solution 24 hours and 1 hour before coagulation; then in the same doses (0.5 ml of solution) once a day for 2-10 days.