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Meldonium-Solofarm injections 100 mg/ml 5 ml – [10 ampoules]


A drug that improves metabolism and energy supply of tissues

SKU: 62011 Category:


Meldonium-Solopharm Pharmacodynamics
Meldonium is a structural analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine, a substance found in every cell of the human body.
Under conditions of increased stress, meldonium restores the balance between cellular oxygen supply and demand, eliminates the accumulation of toxic products of metabolism in the cells, protecting them from damage, and has a tonic effect. As a result of its use the body acquires the ability to withstand the load and quickly restore energy reserves. Meldonium is used for treating various cardiovascular, cerebral blood flow, and physical and mental performance disorders. A decrease in carnitine concentration results in the increased synthesis of gamma-butyrobetaine, which has vasodilatory properties. In acute ischemic myocardial damage, meldonium slows down the formation of the necrotic zone and shortens the rehabilitation period. In cardiac insufficiency, it increases tolerance to physical load, reduces the frequency of angina attacks. In acute and chronic ischemic cerebral circulatory disorders it improves blood circulation in ischemic area, promotes blood redistribution in favor of ischemic area. The drug eliminates functional disorders of the nervous system in patients with chronic alcoholism during withdrawal syndrome.

In the complex therapy of coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction); chronic heart failure and cardiomyopathy against the background of dyshormonal disorders, as well as in the complex therapy of acute and chronic blood circulation disorders of the brain (stroke and cerebrovascular insufficiency). Hemophthalmus and retinal hemorrhages of different etiology, central retinal vein thrombosis and its branches, retinopathies of different etiology (diabetic and hypertensive).
Reduced work capacity, mental and physical overload (including in athletes). The drug may give positive results during doping control (see section “Special indications”).
Withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism (in combination with specific alcohol therapy).

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, increased intracranial pressure (with impaired venous outflow, intracranial tumors), age under 18 years (effectiveness and safety not established), pregnancy, breast-feeding period.
With caution:
In liver and/or kidney disease.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Safety of use in pregnant women has not been studied, in order to avoid possible adverse effects on the fetus, its use is contraindicated. Excretion of the drug with milk and its effect on the health of the newborn have not been studied, therefore, if necessary, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Directions for use and dosages

  • Because of its possible excitatory effect, it is recommended to use the drug in the morning.
  • The drug is administered intramuscularly, intravenously and parabulbar.
  • The method of administration, dosage and duration of treatment shall be determined individually, depending on the indications, severity of the condition, etc.
  • Cardiovascular disease
    As part of the complex therapy:
    – coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction) intravenously by 0.5-1.0 g per day (5-10 ml of drug);
    – ischemic heart disease (stable angina pectoris), chronic heart failure and cardiomyopathy against a background of dyshormonal disorders with intravenous infusion 0.5-1.0 g per day (5-10 ml of preparation) or intramuscularly 0.5 g 1-2 times a day, treatment course 10-14 days, with subsequent change to oral administration. The total course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders.
    As part of the treatment of the acute phase of the complex therapy of 0.5 g (5 ml of drug) once a day intravenously for 10 days, then transfer to the oral reception of 0.5-1.0 g. Total course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.
  • In chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation (discirculatory encephalopathy) 0.5 g (5 ml of preparation) by intramuscular or intravenously once a day for 10 days, then 0.5 g orally. The total course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.
  • Repeated courses (usually 2-3 times a year) are possible after consultation with the doctor.
  • Ophthalmopathology (hemophthalmia and retinal hemorrhages of various etiologies, central retinal vein thrombosis and its branches, retinopathies of various etiologies (diabetic, hypertensive).
    0.05 g (0.5 ml of the drug) parabulbar for 10 days. It is also used as part of the combined therapy.
  • Mental and physical overload
    0.5 g (5 ml of the drug) intramuscularly or intravenously once a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. If necessary, the course is repeated in 2-3 weeks.
  • Chronic alcoholism
    Take 0.5 g (5 ml of the drug) intramuscularly or intravenously two times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.