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Kolofort – [100 lozenges]


Antispasmodic drug with anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic action

SKU: 61772 Category:


Colophort (Antibodies to human tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100, antibodies to histamine)

It has been experimentally shown that the drug components modify the activity of ligand-receptor interaction of endogenous regulators with the corresponding receptors: antibodies to protein S-100 – to serotonin receptors and sigma 1 receptors; antibodies to TNF- ? – to the receptor TNF- ? ; antibodies to histamine – to H4 – histamine receptors localized in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).
Combination of three active components allows to carry out complex influence on central and peripheral links of pathogenesis of functional intestinal disorders, including abdominal pain syndrome.
Antibodies to protein S-100 have a wide spectrum of psychotropic activity, including anxiolytic and antidepressant, anti-asthenic and nootropic effects, which is clinically manifested in the elimination of internal tension, anxiety, normalization of several visceral functions, including the activity of the large intestine. They do not have sedative effect, addictive and withdrawal syndromes. Antibodies to TNF have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, contribute to the normalization of the balance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Antibodies to histamine have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema effects.
Combined use of the components in a complex drug contributes to the normalization of the nervous and humoral regulation of intestinal function, a decrease in visceral hypersensitivity of the receptors of the colon to distension, ensuring the restoration of impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract; relief of a feeling of bloating and overflow of the stomach, a decrease in the severity of pain. Spasmolytic action of the drug is manifested by relaxation of smooth muscles and decreased tone of the gastrointestinal wall, reduction of intraluminal pressure, normalization of stool consistency, its frequency and associated symptoms (relief of imperative urges, tenesmus, feeling of incomplete bowel emptying, additional efforts during the act of defecation, etc.).

Irritable bowel syndrome, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications .
Increased individual sensitivity to the drug components

Dosage and administration

  • Inside. At one reception – 1 or 2 tablets (keep the mouth to complete dissolution – not during a meal). Take 2 times a day. Course of treatment – 1 – 3 months, if necessary, the treatment can be extended up to 6 months and / or repeat after 1-2 months. Against the background of exacerbation of the disease may increase the frequency of intake up to 4 times a day for 7 to 14 days.