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Hesperidin, diosmin (Diosmin-H Organic) 50 mg + 450 mg – [60 tablets]


Venotonic and venoprotective drug

SKU: 61533 Category:


Diosmin Pharmacodynamics
The combination of hesperidin + diosmin has venotonic and angioprotective properties. It reduces venous distensibility and venous stasis, in the microcirculation it decreases capillary permeability and increases their resistance, improves indices of venous hemodynamics. It affects the following venous plethysmographic parameters: venous capacity, venous distensibility, time of venous emptying. The optimal effect is achieved when taking 2 tablets. The combination of hesperidin + diosmin increases venous tone by reducing the time of venous emptying. In patients with signs of severe microcirculatory disorders there is an increase in capillary resistance.
The combination of hesperidin + diosmin is effective in the treatment of chronic diseases of the lower limbs veins, as well as in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Diosmin-N Organica is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of chronic diseases of the veins (elimination and relief of symptoms).
Therapy of symptoms of venous and lymphatic insufficiency
– pain;
– cramps of the lower extremities;
– Feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the legs;
– Leg fatigue.
Therapy of manifestations of venous-lymphatic insufficiency
– Swelling of the lower extremities;
– trophic changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
– venous trophic ulcers.
Symptomatic therapy for acute and chronic hemorrhoids.

Contraindications .
Hypersensitivity to the active substances or excipients within the drug;
It is not recommended to take the drug during breast-feeding.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
Experiments on animals have not revealed teratogenic effects.
Up to this time, there have been no reports of undesirable effects when using the drug in pregnant women.
Period of breast feeding
It is not recommended to breastfeed nursing women because of lack of data concerning excretion of the drug with the breast milk.
Effect on reproductive function
Studies of reproductive toxicity showed no effect on reproductive function in rats of either sex.

Dosage and administration method

  • Oral.
  • The recommended dose for veno-lymphatic insufficiency is 1000 mg per day (one or two doses): in the morning, during the day and/or in the evening, with meals. The duration of treatment may be several months (up to 12 months). In case of recurrence of symptoms, upon the recommendation of the doctor, the course of treatment may be repeated.
  • The recommended dose for acute hemorrhoids is 3000 mg per day (1000 mg in the morning, afternoon and evening) for 4 days, then 2000 mg per day (1000 mg in the morning and evening) for the next 3 days.
  • The recommended dose for chronic hemorrhoids is 1000 mg per day with meals.