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Hepon topical and external use 2 mg – [1 vial]


Immunomodulatory drug

SKU: 61359 Category:


Hepone Pharmacodynamics
Hepone has immunomodulatory and antiviral action:
Causes the production of alpha- and beta- interferons;
mobilizes and activates macrophages;
limits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukins 1, 6, 8 and tumor necrosis factor);
stimulates the production of antibodies to various antigens of infectious nature;
increases the content of CD4+ T cells and NK cells;
increases the functional activity of neutrophils and CD8+ T cells, which are the key elements of the body’s defense against bacteria, viruses and fungi;
suppresses viral replication.
Due to these pharmacological properties, Hepone increases the resistance of the body against infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. Hepone has an anti-inflammatory effect for 1-2 days after application.

As a part of combined therapy: treatment of infections of mucous membranes and skin, caused by Candida fungi; reduction of intensity of inflammation (redness, swelling, itching, burning, pain) of mucous membranes and skin, dryness of mucous membranes. Prophylaxis of candidiasis of mucous membranes and skin against the background of antibiotic therapy.

Individual hypersensitivity to Hepon. Childhood age under 12 years.
Administration during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Application is possible only if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the possible harm to the fetus. Hepone is not recommended for use during breast-feeding. If it is necessary to use the drug, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

How to use and dosages.

  • Used topically, externally.
  • Before use, the drug is dissolved in water for injection (when used topically, i.e. for skin treatment) or in 0.9% sodium chloride solution (when used topically, i.e. for mucous membrane treatment).
  • How to prepare the drug before use:
    1. Remove the protective part of the aluminum cap from the rubber cap of the vial with the drug. If the drug is in an ampoule, open the ampoule.
    2. Open the ampoule with the solvent (water for injection). As solvent, 0,9% solution of sodium chloride can be used as well.
    Put the needle on the disposable syringe (5/10 ml – see Table 1). 4.
    4. Draw solvent into the syringe (see Table 1 for solvent volume).
    5. Pierce the rubber stopper of the vial with a syringe and pour 2 – 2.5 ml of the solvent into the vial. If the drug is in an ampoule, pour 2 – 2.5 ml of solvent into the opened ampoule as well.
    6. Without removing the needle, gently oscillate for about 1 minute to fully dissolve the contents of the vial (ampoule).
    7. Draw the resulting solution into the syringe with the rest of the solvent. The final volume of solution in the syringe should correspond to the volume specified in Table 1.
    8. Remove the syringe with the needle from the bottle (ampoule), gently oscillating for about 1 minute, completely mix the solution in the syringe.
    9. Remove the needle from the syringe.
    10. 10. Use the syringe as a dosing device for instillations, applying to the skin and mucous membranes or wetting gauze wipes.
    Table 1
  • Hepone, mg Mode of administration Hepone 0.02% solution Hepone 0.04% solution
    1 2 1 2
    Water for injection, ml
    topically – – 2,5 5
    0.9% sodium chloride solution, ml topically 5 10 – – –
  • Recommended dose for adults and children 12 years of age and older is 1-2 mg in the form of 0.02% solution for topical treatment of mucous membranes once a day.
  • The recommended dose for adults and children 12 years of age and older is 1-2 mg as a 0.04% solution for skin treatment once a day.
  • For treatment of mucous membrane infections caused by Candida fungi local application of Hepone by applying 0.02% solution to affected areas of mucous membranes (vulva, vagina, urethra) is recommended, a course of 3 applications (once a day) with 1-3 days interval between applications.
  • For treatment of skin infections caused by Candida fungi external application of Hepon is recommended by applying 0.04% solution to affected skin areas, a course of 3 applications (once a day) with 1-3 days interval between applications.
  • In vulvovaginitis, urethritis in women is used treatment with 0.02% solution of Hepon mucosa of the vulva, vagina, as well as lotions on the affected skin adjacent to the vaginal entrance with 0.04% solution of Hepon.
  • In urethritis and balanopostitis in men instillation with 0.02% Hepon solution in urethra and lotions on affected skin areas with 0.04% Hepon solution is used.
  • Treatment of mucous membranes and skin is carried out as a course of 3 sessions (once a day) with an interval of 1-3 days.
  • Prophylaxis of candidiasis of mucous membranes against antibiotic therapy. It is recommended to perform lotions with 0.02 % Hepone solution during antibiotic treatment course. Treatment of mucous membranes is carried out as a course of 3 applications (once a day) with an interval of 1-3 days.
  • Prophylaxis of candidiasis of the skin during antibiotic therapy: it is recommended to apply lotions with 0.04% Hepone solution during antibiotic treatment course. Skin treatment shall be carried out as a course of 3 applications (once a day) with an interval of 1-3 days.
  • To reduce the intensity of inflammation and dryness mucous membranes shall be treated with 0.02% Hepone solution. Treatment of mucous membranes shall be carried out as a course of 3 doses (once a day) at intervals of 1-3 days.
  • To reduce the intensity of inflammation of the skin: apply gauze wipes soaked in 0.04% Hepone solution. Skin treatment shall be carried out as a course of 3 treatments (once a day) at intervals of 1-3 days.