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Extracts of garcinia, senna, chitosan (Turboslim Night Evalar) 300 mg – [30 capsules]


As a dietary food supplement – a source of hydroxylimonic acid and anthracene derivatives (chrysophanic acid), for people controlling body weight.

SKU: 63055 Category:


Turboslim Night Description
TURBOSLIM Overnight Enhanced Formula – Biologically active food supplement – accelerates the natural process of losing weight at night, reduces evening appetite, helps cleanse the body.
The active ingredient:
Garcinia extract, senna extract, chitosan, fennel extract, melissa extract
Active weight loss at night
Contents in 2 capsules (daily intake) and % of recommended daily intake (adequate level)
Garcinia extract 230 mg
Including hydroxylimonic acid, at least1 100 mg 100%
Senna extract 200 mg
including chrysophanic acid, at least1 10 mg 100%
Chitosan 100 mg
Fennel extract 40 mg
Melissa extract 20 mg
1 In accordance with TU 9100-203-21428156-14
Works for slimness while you sleep
It has been proven that we lose weight in our sleep. How to speed up this process to achieve better results? Exactly for this purpose, the company “Evalar” has developed unparalleled1 complex for night weight loss “Turboslim Night Enhanced Formula.
“Turboslim night enhanced formula” – biocomplex night action, which allows effective use of sleep a person not only to rest, but also for active weight loss.
Its action is aimed at:
-Accelerating the natural processes of weight loss at night
-Cleanse the body
-Reducing the evening appetite.
How do the ingredients work?
-Garcinia cambogia extract reduces appetite and inhibits the synthesis of fats from carbohydrates, thus reducing fat deposits. Hydroxylimonic acid, which is contained in Garcinia, stimulates the process of lipolysis – the breakdown of fat2.
-Heat extract contains chrysophanic acid, which has a cleansing and laxative effect, stimulates the activity of the large intestine2.
-Chitosan prevents the absorption of fats and their accumulation in cells and tissues; normalizes intestinal microflora2.
-Fennel extract provides stimulation of the intestine, and has anti-inflammatory, sedative, choleretic, diuretic, anti-dyspeptic, anti-spastic, antispasmodic effect2.
-Melissa extract also has antispasmodic and calming effect2.
Two capsules “Turboslim night enhanced formula” at dinner and. The scientific theory of weight loss at night works in practice! And to start the process is not interrupted even for one hour, take two capsules for breakfast Biocomplex “Turboslim day enhanced formula” – and lose weight 24 hours a day!
Special features: contains no sugar, gluten, titanium dioxide


As a dietary food supplement – a source hydroxylimonic acid and anthracene derivatives (chrysophanic acid), for people controlling body weight. Helps to speed up the natural process of losing weight at night, cleanse the body, reducing evening appetite.


Hypersensitivity of the components, pregnancy, breast-feeding.


Dosage and administration.


  • Adults – 2 capsules with dinner.
  • The duration of intake – at least 1 month.
  • If necessary, the reception can be repeated.