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Eucalyptus extract (Chlorophyllipt-Vialin) oral rinsing – [200 ml vial]


Eucalyptus extract (Chlorophyllipt-Vialin) is used as an aid in the treatment of complex inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and throat.

SKU: 63240 Category:


Eucalyptus extract (Chlorophyllipt-Vialin) Description
Chlorophyllipt-Vialin ready-to-use mouthwash is not a medicinal product.
The solution is made from the extract of eucalyptus, nettle, bitter wormwood, tansy and St. John’s wort extract, used as a means of oral hygiene.
Chlorophyllipt-Vialin is a ready-to-use solution for gargling.
The components of the remedy combine antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Active ingredients:
Eucalyptus extract – has antiseptic properties;
Nettle extract – used for healing wounds;
St. John’s wort extract – has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties;
Wormwood extract – used as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever;
Dubrovnik extract – contains tannins and essential oils.


As an aid in the treatment of complex inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and throat (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis, bleeding gums).
As a deodorant to rinse the mouth.


Contraindications .
Individual intolerance to the components of the product.
If any irritation or allergic reactions immediately discontinue use.


Dosage and administration
  • Rinse the mouth 2-3 times a day after a meal or between meals.
  • Do not swallow