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Dexamethasone eye drops 0.1% – [10 ml vial]


Glucocorticosteroid for local use in ophthalmology

SKU: 61462 Category:


Dexamethasone-Renewal Pharmacodynamics
Fluorinated glucocorticosteroid, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-exudative effect. Interacting with a specific protein receptor in the target tissues, it regulates the expression of corticoid-dependent genes and thus affects protein synthesis. Reduces the formation, release and activity of inflammatory mediators (histamine, bradykinin, prostaglandins, lysosomal enzymes). Suppresses cell migration to the site of inflammation; reduces vasodilation and increased vascular permeability in the inflammation focus. Stabilizes lysosomal membrane enzymes of leukocytes; inhibits antibody synthesis and disrupts antigen recognition. Inhibits the release of interleukin-1 and interleukin-2, interferon gamma from lymphocytes and macrophages. Induces the formation of lipocortin, inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators by eosinophils, and stabilizes mast cell membranes. All of these effects are involved in suppressing the inflammatory response in tissues in response to mechanical, chemical or immune damage. Duration of anti-inflammatory action after 1 drop of the solution is from 4 to 8 hours.

Conjunctivitis (non-pulmonary and allergic), keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis (without epithelium damage), blepharitis, scleritis, episcleritis, iritis, iridocyclitis and other uveitis of various genesis, blepharoconjunctivitis, surface corneal injuries of various etiology (after complete corneal epithelization), prevention of inflammation after surgical intervention, sympathetic ophthalmia.

Hypersensitivity, childhood (under 18 years). Viral and fungal eye diseases, purulent eye infection (without concomitant antimicrobial therapy), trachoma, glaucoma, corneal epithelial integrity damage (including condition after removal of corneal foreign body); tuberculosis of eyes.
Administration during pregnancy and breast feeding
Studies on safety and efficacy of dexamethasone in pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. The drug can be used only if the significance of the effect for the mother exceeds the risk of side effects for the fetus and child.

Directions for use and dosages

  • In adults with severe inflammatory process – during the first 24-48 hours of treatment, 1-2 drops in the conjunctival sac every two hours, when the inflammation is reduced – every 4-6 hours.
  • For prophylaxis of inflammatory processes after eye surgery and trauma the drug is applied 4 times a day during first 24 hours after surgery and then 3 times a day for 2 weeks.