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Deanol aceglumate (Nooclerin) solution 200 mg/ml – [100 ml vial]


Nootropic drug with psychostimulant activity

SKU: 62263 Category:


Nooclerin Pharmacodynamics
Nooclerin® is a nootropic medicine with a chemical structure similar to natural metabolites of the brain (GABA, glutamic acid). It has a neuroprotective effect, improves memory and learning, has a positive effect in asthenic and adynamic disorders, increasing the motor and mental activity of patients.
When using the drug, the ability to concentrate improves. Nooclerin® has a positive effect in neurotic states in elderly and senile patients who have developed against the background of organic brain failure and in alcohol-abstinence syndrome.


In adults:
– Vascular diseases of the brain (discirculatory encephalopathy and post-stroke disorders);
– Recuperation period after craniocerebral injuries;
– Asthenic and astheno-depressive disorders, psycho-organic syndrome;
– cure (in treatment) of alcoholic-abstinence syndrome;
– Use as a remedy to improve memory and attention processes (intellectual and mental functions).
In children 10 years and older:
– Borderline neuropsychiatric disorders of asthenic and neurotic nature, including consequences of craniocerebral trauma;
– Complex treatment of mental retardation.


Contraindications .
Individual hypersensitivity to the drug, infectious CNS disorders, febrile and psychotic states, blood diseases, marked liver and kidney function abnormalities, pregnancy and lactation, under 10 years of age.


Dosage and administration


  • One scoop of solution (5 ml) corresponds to 1 g of the active substance.
  • Adults are prescribed orally 1 scoop 2-3 times a day, the last dose at least 4 hours before bedtime. The maximum single dose is 2 g (2 scoops), in special cases, the dose may be increased by doctor’s prescription (maximum daily dose is 10 g (10 scoops).
  • Therapeutic daily dose for children 10-12 years should be 0.5-1.0 g
  • (1/2-1 scoop) of Nooclerin®, in children over 12 years – 1-2 g (1-2 scoops).
  • Duration of treatment course is 1.5-2 months 2-3 times a year.