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Cytisine (Nikurilly) 1.5 mg – [100 tablets]


Drug for the treatment of nicotine addiction

SKU: 62216 Category:


Nicurilla Pharmacodynamics
The alkaloid citizine is the active ingredient of the drug, has n-cholinomimetic action. Its effects are expressed as follows: it excites the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, reflexively excites respiration, causes release of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla, increases blood pressure.
With close similarity to the mechanism of action of nicotine, citizine has much lower toxicity and a greater therapeutic index. Citizine competitively inhibits the interaction of nicotine with the corresponding receptors, which leads to a gradual reduction and disappearance of nicotine (tobacco) addiction.

Treatment of tobacco dependence (to facilitate the cessation of smoking). Physical and psychological addiction to nicotine is considered a particular type of illness, which induces inability to abstain from smoking, even with the understanding of its negative effects.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients of the drug, acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, recent stroke (within 1 month before starting treatment), atherosclerosis, severe arterial hypertension, pregnancy and lactation, age less than 18 years old and patients older than 65 years old, lactase deficiency, galactosemia, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (the drug contains lactose).
Nikurilla drug should be used in other forms of coronary heart disease (stable angina pectoris, asymptomatic (silent) myocardial ischemia, vaeospastic angina pectoris, “X” syndrome (microvascular angina pectoris)), in heart failure, high blood pressure, in diseases of cerebral vascular In some forms of schizophrenia, in the presence of adrenal chromaffin tumors, gastroesophageal reflux disease, persons with a long history of smoking and persons older than 40 to 45 years of age (see “Special Indications. See section “Special indications”). Usage of the drug in patients with diseases specified in section “With caution” is possible only after consultation with a physician.
Administration during pregnancy and breast feeding
Cysticin should not be used by women during pregnancy and breast feeding.

Dosage and administration

  • Tablets are taken orally with plenty of fluid. Do not exceed the recommended doses.
    It is desirable to start taking the drug after setting the patient on complete smoking cessation.
  • The drug should be used according to the following schedule: from 1 to 3 days – 1 tablet 6 times a day, every 2 hours, gradually reducing the number of cigarettes smoked. The tablet should be taken between smoking episodes to lengthen the intervals between smoking cigarettes, to reduce as much as possible their consumption. The interval of taking it every 2 hrs should be a sedentary interval.
  • If it is not possible to achieve a reduction in daily cigarette consumption, treatment should be discontinued and can be started again in 2-3 months.
    If the effect is good, the treatment is continued under the following scheme: from 4 to 12 days of reception – 1 tablet 5 times a day, every 2.5 hours; from 13 to 16 days – 1 tablet 4 times a day, every 3 hours; from 17 to 20 days – 1 tablet 3 times a day, every 5 hours; from 21 to 25 days to 1-2 tablets daily.
  • It is strongly recommended to give up smoking no later than 5 days from the start of treatment.
  • The combination of drug therapy with counseling, including measures of psychological support of the patient, significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.