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Chelidonium majus, silybum marianum (Choledius) homeopatic oral drops – [25 ml vial]


Homeopathic remedy

SKU: 63247 Category:


Choledius Pharmacodynamics
Choledius is a homeopathic medicine used for diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas.
Homeopathic drug “Choledius” is not invented theoretically, but was obtained from the family secrets of the author – hereditary doctor-homeopath. Experience of 3 generations of doctors gathered in this drug.
Homeopathic medicine “Choledius” specifically affects the gallbladder and pancreas. It eliminates both chronic and acute inflammation in this area, and is also a reliable regulator of the digestive process.
Inflammation and dysfunction are the two factors that give many painful symptoms (nausea, bitterness in the mouth, pain in the liver and gallbladder area, bloating, constipation and in some cases diarrhea, characteristic shingling pancreatic pain, worsening of all complaints after eating and many more, all too well known to every patient). To this must be added the need for a strict diet. But it’s not all so gloomy! Every treating person knows the gratitude of this area – all it takes is skillful medication (and our “Choledius” is proof of that) – and there is a complete change in the patient’s well-being: the symptoms recede, and diet for the most part becomes unnecessary. The condition becomes very good in normal cases and tolerable even in the most neglected ones.
The next indication for “Choledius” is the formation of stones and sand in the gallbladder. The drug is not intended to dissolve and remove stones, although sometimes it does; its main task is to stop the process of stone formation. The fate of the stones is not very important; sometimes they come out, sometimes they remain, but they don’t grow and don’t cause complaints.
The course of treatment is long, at least 4-6 months, but in any case until all symptoms disappear, or, if the process is far advanced, until considerable improvement is achieved. In severe cases, treatment takes 1-2 years. Primary effect is noticed much earlier – usually during the first 1-2 weeks of taking the drug.
Against the background of taking “Choledius” you can use any physiotherapy, as well as acupuncture or herbal medicines. But the reception of chemical preparations should be treated with caution. In any case, for the treatment of the gallbladder and pancreas area “Choledius” can do much more than any chemical drugs.
When taking the drug it is sometimes possible to have a so-called primary worsening or reaction – a temporary increase in the existing symptoms of the disease. The reaction is a favorable phenomenon, indicating that the healing processes are actively proceeding. When it appears it is necessary to make a break in taking the drug for 7-10 days.
The drug is nonpoisonous; accidental overdose is harmless. Side effects, as with any homeopathic treatment can only be positive.
The drug is made according to the technology of the German school of homeopathy.


In the complex therapy:
– chronic pancreatitis;
– Chronic cholecystitis.


Contraindications .
Increased individual sensitivity to the individual components of the drug, acute hepatitis, cirrhosis.
Age under 18 years old due to the lack of specially designed clinical trials.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Not recommended due to the presence of ethyl alcohol (ethanol).


Dosage and administration


  • Inside.
  • Dissolve 10 drops of the drug in 1/4 cup of water and take in small portions, do not swallow and do not drink anything. The drug is taken 3 times a day for 30 minutes before or 30 minutes to 1 hour after a meal. Every 5 days of intake alternate with a 2-day break.
  • The course of treatment 2 months. It is possible to repeat courses.