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Chamomile, matricaria flowers, calendulae flos (Rotocan) – [25 ml vial]


Phytopreparation with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic and improving tissue regeneration action for systemic and local use

SKU: 62741 Category:


Rotokan Pharmacodynamics
Rotokan has a local anti-inflammatory effect, has hemostatic and antispasmodic properties.

In dentistry: in adults – inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and periodontal tissues of different etiology (aphthous stomatitis, periodontitis, ulcerative – necrotic gingivostomatitis).
In gastroenterology: gastroduodenitis, chronic enteritis and colitis (in treatment).

Contraindications .
Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Dosage and administration

  • Topically, internally, rectally.
  • Rotokan used in the form of an aqueous solution, which is prepared before use by adding 1 teaspoon of Rotokan to a glass of warm boiled water. If tolerated well, the dose can be increased to 3 teaspoons per glass of water.
  • In diseases of the oral mucosa solution Rotokan used by applications (15 – 20 minutes) or rinses (1 – 2 minutes) 2 – 3 times a day for 2 – 5 days.
  • Periodontal treatment is carried out after removal of dental deposits and scraping of pathological gingival pockets. Thin turundas, abundantly moistened with a solution of Rotocan, are inserted into the gingival pockets for 20 minutes. The procedure is performed once a day daily or every other day, 4 – 6 times in total.
  • In gastroenterology Rotokan is used orally and in microclysters. Inside use 1/3 – 1/2 cup solution for 30 minutes before a meal or 40 – 60 minutes after a meal, 3 – 4 times a day. Course of treatment 2 – 3 weeks.
  • Microclysters with 50 – 100 ml of the solution of Rotokan is used after a purging enema 1 – 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 – 6 days.