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Celluloza microcrystallicheskaya (MKC “Ankir-B”) 500 mg – [100 tablets]


A remedy that contributes to the recovery of the body and the prevention of a number of diseases, as well as reducing excessive weight.

SKU: 62115 Category:


MCC Ankir-B Description
– Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
– promotes a stable weight loss;
– binds toxins and reduces the burden on the detoxification organs;
– Reduces the risk of malignancies;
– increases overall physical performance

For obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis;
at coronary heart disease;
Microbial and chemical intoxication, heavy metal poisoning (to eliminate them from the body);
For the normalization of digestive function (with gastroenterological diseases);
For the prevention of tumors.

Contraindications .
Individual intolerance to the components

Dosage and administration

  • For the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic correction of 3-5 tablets with meals within a month. After a 10-day break, the course may be repeated.
  • For a sustained effect of reducing the body weight is recommended to take 6-10 tablets 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day for two to three courses without a break.
  • To obtain a pronounced health-improving effect MCC course of tablets should be at least 3-4 weeks. It is important to take MCC on a regular basis and sufficient fluid intake – at least 2 liters per day, including liquids in meals, beverages, etc.
  • At the first time of admission may feel discomfort in the intestines, it suggests that the microflora of your intestines is not healthy. In this case, it is recommended to introduce dietary fiber gradually and during the first 5-7 days take the pill after meals.