Neo-Anuzole Pharmacodynamics
Neo-Anuzole combined drug, has a local complex analgesic, drying, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.
Bismuth subnitrate, has a hardening, astringent and weak antiseptic effect.
Zinc oxide leads to a reduction in inflammation with a parallel drying effect.
Tanin, has an anti-inflammatory, astringent and astringent effect.
Resorcinol, has a dermatoprotective and antimicrobial effect.
Included methylene blue and iodine are used as additional antiseptics.
Hemorrhoids, anal fissures.
Contraindications .
– Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
– closed-angle glaucoma;
– heart failure;
– adenoma of the prostate;
– myasthenia gravis;
– intestinal peristalsis disorders;
– arrhythmia;
– tachycardia;
– intestinal atony;
– Prostate hypertrophy with associated urinary disorders;
– age less than 12 years.
Caution No data.
Administration during pregnancy and lactation
The drug may be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding only by physician’s prescription if the expected benefits to the mother exceed the potential risk to the fetus or child.
Dosage and administration
- Rectally, 1 suppository 1-2 times a day, with an interval between uses of at least 6 hours.
- Pre-release suppository from the outline of the cell packing, injected deep into the anus (after a purging enema or spontaneous bowel emptying).
- If necessary, the suppositories can be used more frequently, but no more than 3 pieces per day.
- The course of treatment therapy is 7-10 days.