Home  /   Products  /   Arginyl-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine (Imunofan) injections 45 mcg/ml 1 ml – [5 ampoules]

Arginyl-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine (Imunofan) injections 45 mcg/ml 1 ml – [5 ampoules]


Immunostimulating drug

SKU: 61621 Category:


Immunofan Pharmacodynamics
The drug has immune-regulating, detoxifying, hepatoprotective effect and inactivates free radical and peroxide compounds. Pharmacological action is based on achieving three main effects: correction of the immune system, restoration of the balance of oxidation-antioxidant response of the body and inhibition of multiple drug resistance mediated by cell transmembrane transport pump proteins.

In adults as an adjuvant in vaccinations against bacterial and viral infections.
Prophylaxis of acute exacerbation of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of various etiologies, occurring against the background of immunodeficiency in adults and children over 2 years: chronic viral hepatitis, brucellosis.
Prevention of toxicosis in children over 2 years old with malignant diseases of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue against the background of chemoradiotherapy.
Treatment as part of the complex therapy of secondary immunodeficiency and toxic conditions caused by the following diseases.
In adults:
– In the complex therapy of oncological diseases in the scheme of radical combined treatment (chemoradiotherapy and surgery), in complex or symptomatic therapy in patients with advanced tumor process (III-IV stage) of different localization;
– in complex therapy of chronic viral hepatitis, chronic brucellosis;
– in treatment of HIV-infection, opportunistic infections (cytomegalovirus, herpes infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, pneumocystis, cryptosporidiosis);
– In treatment of III-IV degree burns with toxemia phenomena, septic toxemia, in surgical patients with septic endocarditis, cholecystopancreatitis, nonhealing wounds of extremities, pyo-septic complications;
– In the treatment of bronchoobstructive syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis.
In adults and children over 2 years:
– In the complex therapy of inflammatory eye diseases;
– In the treatment of diphtheria, diphtheria bacteriocarriage.
In children over 2 years old:
– In the complex therapy of papillomatosis of the larynx and oropharynx.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Childhood under 2 years of age.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Due to insufficient study in pregnancy and during breast-feeding it is used only if the expected benefits to the mother exceed the potential risk to the fetus and child.

Dosage and administration method

  • Immunofan is subcutaneously or intramuscularly in a single dose of 45 micrograms. The maximum daily dose is 45 micrograms.
  • The drug is used in courses depending on the purpose and nature of the disease.
  • In adults.
  • As an adjuvant during vaccination against bacterial and viral infections, the preparation is administered once in a dose of 45 micrograms intramuscularly or
    subcutaneously on the day of vaccination.
  • In the complex treatment of cancer patients: in the scheme of radical combined treatment – once daily, the course of 8-10 injections before chemotherapy and surgery with subsequent continuation of the course for the duration of treatment.
    – in patients with advanced tumor process – once daily, a course of 8-10 injections with a break of 15-20 days and the course must be repeated for the whole period of treatment.
    In the complex treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis and brucellosis:
    – Every day once, treatment course of 15-20 injections.
    In the complex therapy of HIV-infection and opportunistic infections:
    – daily once, treatment course of 15-20 injections. If necessary, it is possible to repeat course in 2-4 weeks.
  • In surgical patients, in treatment of III-IV degree burns with toxemia, septic toxemia, in surgical patients with septic endocarditis, cholecystopancreatitis, long non-healing wounds of extremities, purulent-septic complications:
    – daily once, treatment course 7-10 injections, if necessary, the course of the drug can be extended to 20 injections.
  • In bronchoobstructive syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis:
    – Once in 3 days, the course of treatment 8-10 injections, if necessary, the course of treatment may be extended to 20 injections.
    In the treatment of psoriasis:
    – Once daily, treatment course 15-20 injections.
  • In adults and children over 2 years old.
    In the treatment complex
  • Inflammatory eye disease:
    In lesions of the anterior parts of the eye (keratitis, keratouveitis) daily once, treatment course 7-10 injections;
    In case of lesion of mainly posterior parts of the eye (peripheral, posterior uveitis, retinovasculitis) and generalized inflammatory processes – once a day, 15-20 injections.
  • In the treatment of diphtheria:
    – Daily once, treatment course 8-10 injections. In diphtheria bacteriocarriers: once every 3 days, 3 to 5 injections for the course of treatment.
    In the complex therapy of children with laryngeal and oropharyngeal papillomatosis over 2 years old:
    – daily once, treatment course – 10 injections.
    For prevention: exacerbation of chronic viral hepatitis and chronic brucellosis in adults and children over 2 years old
    – Daily single course of 15-20 injections; repeated prophylactic courses are recommended every 2-3
    repeated preventive courses are recommended every 2-3 months;
  • The development of toxicosis in children over 2 years of age with malignant diseases of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue.
    – daily once, with 10-20 injections, during and after chemoradiotherapy course.