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Antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 (Proproten-100) – [20 lozenges]


Drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence

SKU: 62556 Category:


Proproten-100 Pharmacodynamics
The drug modifies the functional activity of protein S-100, which conjugates informational and metabolic processes in the brain. It sensitizes neuronal membrane and modulates
synaptic plasticity of neurons. It has a modifying effect on the functional state of brain structures involved in the formation of alcohol addiction: hypothalamus, hippocampus, etc.
In case of alcohol addiction it has a normalizing effect on the system of positive emotional reinforcement, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of self-stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus. Reduces
pachal activity of hippocampal neurons; decreases the number of circulating immunocomplexes in peripheral blood, which correlates with reduction of ethanol consumption. Contributes to the enhancement of
inhibitory effects of GABA in CNS. It is experimentally established that the drug restores neurotransmitter balance and conditioned reflex activity. Increases resistance of the brain to hypoxia and toxic effects.

Proves antialcoholic action, reducing craving for alcohol and reducing the likelihood of relapse.
Monotherapy of alcohol withdrawal syndrome of mild to moderate severity. The drug alleviates both psychopathological disorders (anxiety, mental tension, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, decreased mood, intense craving for alcohol) and somatovegetative disorders (weakness, sweating, headache, tremor, tachycardia, digestive disorders) of alcoholic “hangover” syndrome.

Contraindications .
Increased individual sensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and lactation.

Dosage and administration

  • At one reception – 1 tablet is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved – (not during a meal).
  • In the state of hangover the first 2 hours the drug is taken 1 tablet every 30 minutes, the next 8-10 hours – 1 tablet per hour.
  • In case of sleep, the drug shall be resumed after awakening.
  • If condition improves, the drug is taken 1 tablet every 2-3 hours (4-6 tablets per day) for 2-3 days.
  • By doctor’s decision, the drug may be used in complex therapy: if the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal worsen, drugs traditionally used in detoxification should be added.
  • To prevent relapses, the drug is taken 2 tablets a day for 6 months; after accidental alcohol consumption, take an additional 2 pills of the drug 2 times – during the day and at night.