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Aminodihydrophtalazinedione sodium (Galavit) sublingual 25 mg – [20 tablets]


Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drug

SKU: 61320 Category:


Galavit Pharmacodynamics
Mechanism of action of the drug is associated with its ability to regulate functional and metabolic activity of cells of innate and adaptive immunity (monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, natural killers, etc.). Galavit normalizes phagocytic activity of monocytes/macrophages, bactericidal activity of neutrophils and cytotoxic activity of NK-cells. By restoring the reduced activity of cells of innate and adaptive immunity the preparation increases resistance of the body to infectious diseases of bacterial, viral and fungal etiology, contributes to a more rapid elimination of the pathogen from the body, reduces the frequency, severity and duration of infections.
Besides, Galavit normalizes antibody formation, increases functional activity (affinity) of antibodies, indirectly regulates production of endogenous interferons (IFN-a, IFN-u) by cells-producers.
In inflammatory diseases the drug reversibly inhibits for 6-8 hours the excessive synthesis by overactivated macrophages of tumor necrosis factor-a, interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and other pro-inflammatory cytokines which level determines the degree of inflammatory reactions, their cyclic duration as well as severity of intoxication of the body. Galavit decreases the production of reactive oxygen species by hyperactivated macrophages, thereby reducing the level of oxidative stress and protecting tissues and organs from the damaging effects of radicals. Normalization of excessively elevated functional activity of phagocytic cells leads to restoration of their antigen-presenting and regulatory functions, reducing the level of autoaggression.
The drug is well tolerated, has no allergizing, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic effects.

In adults and adolescents over 12 years old (including those with secondary immunodeficiency) as immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent in the complex therapy:
– Acute respiratory infections, respiratory and ENT-organ diseases (including frequently recurrent) of bacterial and viral etiology (acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, otitis media, adenoiditis) and their prevention;
– inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, periodontal disease;
– Chronic relapsing disease caused by the herpes virus;
– decreased physical performance (including athletes).

Hypersensitivity, intolerance to galactose, fructose, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption, pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age.
Use during pregnancy and breast-feeding period:
The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, women during breast-feeding.

Dosage and administration

  • By sublingual 1 tablet up to 4 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day:
    -Acute respiratory infections, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, otitis, adenoiditis to treat: 1 tablet 4 times a day. The course of 5 days. With chronic and frequent relapses continue 1 tablet 4 times a day every other day for a course of 15 days. For prophylaxis: 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of 5-10 days.
    – In inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, periodontal disease: 1 tablet 4 times a day for 5 days. Then 1 tablet 4 times a day every 3 days a course of up to 3 weeks.
    – In chronic recurrent diseases caused by the herpes virus: 1 tablet 4 times a day for 10 days. Then 1 tablet 4 times a day for 10 days.
    – To increase physical performance: 1 tablet 4 times a day for 10 days, then 1 tablet 4 times a day every 3 days a course of up to 3 weeks.
  • Treatment with Galavit can be started at any stage of the disease.
  • Use the drug according to those indications, that method of administration and in those doses that are specified in the instructions.
  • If after these courses of treatment no improvement occurs or symptoms worsen or new symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.