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Acidum sulfuricum D4 (Acidum S) oral drops – [25 ml vial]


Homeopathic remedy for alcohol addiction

SKU: 61056 Category:


Acidum-C Pharmacodynamics
Action of homeopathic medicines which are part of Acidum C complex is directed to different links of complicated pathogenetic chain of alcoholic disease: disturbance of internal organs function as a result of alcohol intoxication, disturbance of central and vegetative nervous system activity, disturbance of feeling during hangover syndrome or temporary alcohol deprivation.
Breaking of pathogenetic chain in one link leads to establishment of new chain reactions, favorable for the organism, allowing to get rid of alcohol addiction.
Action Acidum C due to the summation of the action of its components.

Ethanol intoxication (complex therapy).

Dosage and administration

  • 8-10 drops 2-3 times a day, 3-4 days to take, 3-4 days break, etc. The drug is diluted in water (about a quarter cup) and drunk in small sips, without swallowing for a long time, the drug can be dropped directly into the mouth, in the extreme case, you can add 10-15 drops of the drug in a shot of vodka. With active binge drinking or very large doses of alcohol, you can give the remedy 3-5 times a day, 2 weeks to take, 1 week break, etc. Food weakens the effect, so if possible take half an hour or more before a meal or half an hour or more after a meal.