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Electrolytes (Friosterin) infusions 500 ml – [20 vials]



Electrolytes (Friosterin) is used for replacement of extracellular fluid loss during isotonic dehydration in patients with acidosis or the threat of it.

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Electrolytes (Friosterin) Pharmacodynamics
Friosterol is an isotonic electrolyte solution with electrolyte concentration adjusted to blood plasma electrolyte concentration. It is used to correct extracellular fluid loss (i.e. loss of water and electrolytes in commensurate amounts). The administration of the solution is aimed at restoring and maintaining the osmotic status in the extracellular and intracellular space.
The anionic composition is represented by a balanced combination of chlorides, acetates and malates, close in molar concentration to the anionic composition of blood plasma, which contributes to the correction of metabolic acidosis.


Replacement of extracellular fluid loss during isotonic dehydration in patients with acidosis or the threat of it.


– Hypervolemia
– Chronic heart failure III – IV functional class
– Renal insufficiency with oliguria or anuria
– Severe general edema
– Hyperkalemia
– Hypercalcemia
– Metabolic alkalosis
Large volume infusion in patients with cardiac or pulmonary insufficiency should be given with constant monitoring.
Solutions containing sodium chloride should be administered with caution in patients with:
– mild to moderate heart failure, peripheral edema or pulmonary edema, or extracellular hyperhydration;
– hypernatremia, hyperchloremia, hypertensive dehydration, arterial hypertension, impaired renal function, eclampsia or threatened eclampsia, aldosteronism, and other conditions and treatments (such as corticosteroids) associated with sodium retention.
Solutions containing potassium salts should be administered with caution in patients with cardiac defect or predisposition to hyperkalemia with renal or adrenal cortex insufficiency, acute dehydration, or extensive tissue destruction seen in severe burns.


Dosage and administration method

Electrolytes (Friosterin) is administered by drip into the peripheral and central veins.

The dose depends on the age, body weight, clinical and biological condition of the patient and concomitant therapy.

Recommended doses

– Older adults and children from 11 years of age 500 ml to 3 L/day, which corresponds to 1-6 mmol sodium/kg body weight/day and 0.03-0.17 mmol potassium/kg body weight/day;

– Children under 11 years of age from 20 ml to 100 ml/kg of body weight/day, which corresponds to

3-14 mmol of sodium/kg of body weight/day and 0.08-0.40 mmol of potassium/kg of body weight/day.

Rate of administration

The maximum infusion rate is determined by the patient’s need for fluids and electrolytes, body weight, clinical condition and biological status of the patient.

For children, the infusion rate is on average 5 ml/kg of body weight/h, but it depends on the age:

– for children under 1 year of age 6-8 ml/kg body weight/h;

– for children from 1 to 2 years 4-6 ml/kg of body weight/h;

– for children from 2 to 11 years 2-4 ml/kg of body weight/h.

Duration of use

Electrolytes (Friosterin) can be administered as long as necessary to restore the water-electrolyte balance.

Procedure of Polyflac EN bottle (bottle with head designed for standard infusion system attachment):

1. Place the vial vertically on a horizontal surface.
2. Remove the cap.
3. disinfect the port of the vial with disinfectant.
4. Prepare infusion system.
5. Insert the spike (or injection needle) into the marked chamfer on the port at right angles until the skirt of the dropper (or butterfly of the injection needle) touches tightly.
6. Turn the vial over and secure the system to the infusion stand (tripod).


– If it is necessary to administer the drug, administer the drug only through the marked chamfer on the port of the vial.
– Do not introduce the infusion system into the bottle on its weight (or on the infusion stand (tripod)).
– When forming a “lake” in the infusion system you can not press on the bottle (this manipulation is performed by pressing on the dropper).

General recommendations on the use of liquid and electrolyte solutions:

The dose of 30 ml of solution/kg body weight/day covers only the physiological fluid requirements of the body. In patients who have undergone surgery and patients in critical conditions, fluid requirements are increased due to decreased renal concentration function and increased excretion of metabolic products, which leads to the need to increase fluid intake to about 40 ml/kg body weight/day. Additional losses (fever, diarrhea, fistulas, vomiting, etc.) need to be compensated by even higher fluid intake, the level of which is set individually. The actual individual level of fluid requirement is determined by consistent monitoring of clinical and laboratory parameters (urine excretion, serum and urine osmolarity, determination of excretory substances).