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Troxerutin DS gel for local and external use 2% – [40 g tube]


Venotonic and venoprotective agent

SKU: 63043 Category:


Trokserutin-DS Pharmacodynamics
Trokserutin – a flavonoid (derivative of rutin), has P-vitamin activity, has venotonic, venoprotective, anti-edema, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Participates in redox processes, blocks hyaluronidase, stabilizes hyaluronic acid in cell membranes and reduces capillary permeability and fragility, increases their tone. Increases the density of the vascular wall, reduces the exudation of the liquid part of the plasma and diapedesis, blood cells.
It reduces inflammation in the vascular wall by limiting platelet adhesion to its surface. It is non-toxic and has a wide range of therapeutic action.

– Pain and swelling associated with chronic venous insufficiency;
– Feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, swollen ankles;
– Fatigue, swelling, cramps, paresthesias;
– acute superficial thrombophlebitis and periphlebitis;
– varicose dermatitis;
– Pain and swelling of a traumatic nature (including,
– Muscle sprains or bruises).
Pregnancy and lactation:
No data on undesirable effect on the fetus and newborns. The drug may be used in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy as well as during breastfeeding.

Hypersensitivity to troxerutin or any excipient of the drug, pregnancy (I trimester). Violation of the integrity of the skin.

Dosage and administration

  • Gel is applied externally.
  • It is applied in the morning and evening to the affected area with gentle upward massaging movements until it is completely absorbed into the skin. If for any reason the use of the drug is missed, the patient can apply it at any time, observing the interval between two treatment sessions of at least 10-12 hours.
  • If necessary, the gel can be applied under bandages or elastic stockings. The course of treatment is from two weeks to one to two months. When the disease relapses, the treatment course can be repeated 2-3 times a year.